Brian Hadeed, DDS
43421 Garfield, Suite 5
Clinton Township, MI 48038
(586) 739-4400 (586) 286-4500

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First Trip to the Dentist And Other Tips!

March 15th, 2015

First Trip to the Dentist And Other Tips!

You care about your child’s health. Of course you do. It goes without saying. Some parents mistakenly overlook teeth, though, as an important factor in maintaining overall wellness. The fact is that healthy teeth and gums are an integral part of your child’s well being; they must be properly cared for right from the beginning. The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends that children visit the dentist by their first birthday.

It’s understandable, though, that some parents may feel a little apprehensive about taking their child to the dentist. There are many reasons for this. Some adults remember a time when they felt uncomfortable at the dentist – as a kid or as an adult. Others have simply overheard, while at the dentist, a child having a temper tantrum or crying, and they assume that their child’s experience will be the same.

Bright lights, loud noises and medical masks may naturally be intimidating for some children. There are many things, though, you can do to help them avoid ever being scared of dental cleanings.


Your child’s primary, or baby teeth, will begin to erupt between the ages of 6-to-12 months. Get into the habit of brushing your baby’s teeth every day with a soft-bristled toothbrush and no more than a pea-sized amount of children’s toothpaste. This will help keep your child’s mouth healthy, and also help your child adjust to the practice of teeth cleaning. When the dentist looks in the child’s mouth for the first time, the child will already be used to having his or her teeth looked at and touched.

Impart Knowledge

Many children fear the unknown. Talk to your child about what the dentist’s office will look like and what the process will be once you get there. You can explain what waiting rooms are and how to check in at a reception desk. You should talk to your child, too, about who the dentist is and what his job entails. Let your child know that you like and trust your dentist – this will help your child to feel more at ease.

You can even make a game of the preparation. Set up a little waiting room. Color while you wait. Move to a different room. Pretend to be a dentist and touch your child’s gums and then brush his or her teeth.

Don’t Make Bribes

If you promise your child a treat after the visit to the dentist, you may be setting an expectation that something bad is about to happen. Take your child in for the appointment like you would take him or her to the grocery store, office or lunch. At the end, you can of course celebrate a happy visit and keep the positive associations going, but you don’t have to prepare you child for the worst. It’s not going to be the worst. It’s likely going to be quite easy, actually!


Let us know! Stop in to visit us in Clinton Township or give us a call at (586) 286 – 4500. We’re here for you and want both you – and your child – to have the best dental experience possible.

Aesthetic and Strong: All Ceramic Crowns

February 21st, 2015

Porcelain Crowns, Bridge (dentistry), Dental PlateIt happens to most of us at one point or another: A tooth wears down, chips or breaks. When this occurs, we want to repair the tooth so that it will look better and feel sturdy. A dental crown will reinforce and strengthen a weakened tooth. An all-ceramic crown, made of zirconia or glass, will reinforce and strengthen a weakened tooth while offering the best, most natural look.

Good Looking

All-ceramic crowns are much more aesthetic than other crowns that are made of porcelain fused to metal. With all-ceramic crowns, you’ll be primed to show off your delightful smile.

Ceramic is naturally translucent. As such, all-ceramic crowns can be constructed to match the light-transmitting properties of natural teeth. They will blend easily with the rest of your natural teeth.
Another wonderful benefit of all ceramic-crowns is their lack of visibility. With porcelain crowns fused with metal, the darkness of the metal will be visible along the gum line. With all-ceramic crowns, the tooth-colored, light-transmitting ceramic will sit right against the gum line. The crown and gums will integrate just as a natural tooth and gums would come together.

Natural Feeling

All-ceramic crowns are made from ceramic that is so smooth that you will not feel the difference between natural teeth and the crowned teeth. Additionally, the crowns are made so well that you will not be able to feel the margins of the crown (the portion of the crown that meets natural tooth structure) with your tongue.

Long Lasting

You will, of course, want crowns that remain strong over the years. All-ceramic crowns are very durable. They are, essentially, solid protective caps fused to your teeth, providing a new outer surface for your naturally weakened teeth. All-ceramic crowns will last for many years to come.

For more information about all-ceramic crowns, give us a call at (586) 286 4500 or pop in to see us in our conveniently located Metro-Detroit, Macomb County office.

Dentist In Clinton Township MI

February 3rd, 2015

Two Women Friends Laughing With A Perfect White TeethIf you are looking for a dentist in Clinton Township, MI then you’ve come to the right place. I, Dr. Brian Hadeed, am here to serve you. I pride myself on taking your best interests to heart and offering you the best dental care available. I, along with my team of professionals, will do everything we can to ensure that you’ll love your smile for years to come.

At Dr. Hadeed’s office, we provide comprehensive dental care by proactively reducing and preventing potential dental diseases. treating periodontal issues, maintaining previous dental treatments and educating you with the most up-to-date information you need in order to prevent dental diseases and take care of your beautiful smile.

As a dentist, I love working with people and look forward to coming to work everyday. My patients know I have their best interests in mind and that my advice is based not just on years of education and experience, but that it also comes from the heart.


“Dr. Hadeed took the time to explain treatment options and how much they would cost.  Dr. Hadeed was upfront about my dental problem and he certainly made his recommended treatment option be known to me; but he did not try to persuade me into doing treatment ‘over and above’ what I wanted.”
—Diann, Shelby Township


We offer the following Dental Care Services in Clinton Township, MI, Sterling Heights, MI and Shelby Township, MI:

Invisalign and Invisalign Teen – A great alternative to bothersome braces, Invisalign is a virtually invisible method of straightening your teeth. The aligners are clear, removable, comfortable and customized just for you. You can easily remove Invisalign for cleaning, offering you convenience that braces cannot provide. In addition, with Invisalign, you can eat any of the foods you want; with braces, on the other hand, you will be forbidden from eating an assortment of foods. According to the American Dental Association, straightening your teeth significantly affects your overall dental health and can reduce your risk for tooth decay and gum disease. Not only will you have a beautiful smile, but you can also be confident that you have a healthy one. Read more on this link:


Regular Dental Exams and Screenings – Your teeth are important! Not only do your teeth look beautiful, but they also affect your overall health. Oral infections can lead to more serious health risks such as heart disease, stroke, pneumonia and even diabetes. As such, regular exams and screenings are important so these problems can be diagnosed and treated early. Read more on this link:


Dental Bonding – Dental bonding repairs minor issues with your teeth, including chipped teeth, gaps between your teeth and crooked teeth. Tooth bonding can also make your teeth appear whiter by covering up teeth that may be discolored. During the process, white fillings are placed onto your existing teeth to perfect their shape, fill in spaces between teeth and repair chipped teeth. Bonding is less expensive than many other types of cosmetic dental procedures and can be completed in just one visit to our office. Read more on this link:


Dental Bridges – Dental bridges are recommended to replace missing teeth. Bridges help prevent remaining teeth from drifting, tipping or hyper-erupting. Many insurance plans cover some of the costs of bridge fabrication, making dental bridges an affordable way to replace missing teeth and improve your smile. Unlike dentures, bridges are fixed in your mouth so they won’t slip out of place when you eat. With proper care and maintenance, your dental bridges can last a lifetime.


Dental Crowns – Dental crowns improve your tooth’s shape and strengthen your tooth. They are used for broken, worn or partially destroyed teeth due to decay. Crowns can be made of porcelain, metal or a combination of both. Porcelain crowns are usually preferred because they look more natural and are also very strong. Read more on this link:


Dentures – Full dentures are appropriate when a patient has lost all of his or her natural teeth. Partial dentures are used when a patient has lost some of his or her teeth. Partial dentures are made of tooth-colored acrylic and are set in a pink acrylic base. The base is attached to a metal frame that clasps to your the teeth, filling out your smile.


Tooth Extractions – A tooth extraction is a quick procedure that addresses issues including decayed teeth, abscessed teeth, stubborn baby teeth and teeth that must be removed in preparation for orthodontic treatment. A baby tooth will usually fall out on its own, but there are cases in which the position of the tooth prevents it from coming loose. When this happens, a tooth extraction is necessary. A permanent tooth may also sometimes require extraction. The extraction of a permanent tooth may be required, for example, when a tooth has decayed to the point that it cannot be restored, when the bone has dissolved around the roots of a tooth, or when room is needed in the dental arch to straighten the remaining teeth.


Dental Fillings – Dental fillings treat cavities (holes in teeth caused by decay). It is important to treat cavities as soon as possible to prevent further decay. Treatment will prevent the issue from progressing to a point in which the teeth can no longer be repaired. If left untreated, the decay may spread to the pulp of the tooth, cause an infection and possibly necessitate a root canal. It is important to visit the dentist regularly because, though you may not feel discomfort, it is possible that your teeth may be decayed. By the time you feel discomfort, you may already need a root canal. Dental fillings can also be used to repair cracked, worn or broken teeth.


Dental Implant Restoration – Implants can replace missing teeth and give you a more natural looking smile. Implants can also be used to anchor dentures, since lower dentures can sometimes shift when chewing or talking. An implant restoration is composed of a titanium implant body that takes that place of the missing root and a tooth-colored crown that is cemented on top of the implant.


Intraoral Camera – Intraoral cameras allow the patient to see what Dr. Hadeed sees while examining the patient’s mouth. The intraoral camera can also help Dr. Hadeed identify issues such as cracks, decay, soft tissue lesions and loose fillings. This allows the patient to be fully informed about the condition of his or her teeth, and gives the patient the peace of mind, knowing that the proper treatment will be administered.


Fluoride Treatment – Fluoride treatment is important for combating tooth demineralization. The treatment is fast and easy; it usually just takes just a few minutes. Fluoride is available in foam and gel form and is offered in mint and berry flavors. You should avoid eating, drinking or rinsing for at least thirty minutes after the treatment for your teeth to absorb the fluoride.


Mouthguards – The American Dental Association recommends wearing a mouthguard if you are participating in any kind of full-contact sport. A mouthguard will protect your teeth from damage that can be caused, for example, by a ball, piece of equipment or another player hitting you in the mouth. A mouthguard can prevent your teeth from cracking or falling out, and can also protect you from injury. The best mouthguard is one that is custom-made so that it is well fitted to your mouth. Read more on this link:


Root Canals – A root canal is a procedure that can save your tooth. During the procedure, discomfort is minimal–similar to the sensation of having a dental filling replaced. During a root canal, infected tissue that causes pain and swelling (and that can also lead to injury of the jawbone) is removed. Failing to get a root canal when needed could create a large-scale infection and negatively impact the patient’s overall health.


Dental Sealants – Dental sealants provide extra protection against decay. Sealants are made up of a resin that bonds to and hardens on the tooth, smoothing out the small cracks and grooves on the teeth. Because there are naturally small crevasses on your teeth that are hard to reach with your brush (even when you brush thoroughly!), dental sealants make your teeth easier to care for. Dental sealants are usually applied to permanent teeth as a preventative measure against tooth decay. Sealants will usually last three-to-five years, and in many cases, even longer.


Dental Veneers – Dental veneers correct imperfections in the teeth, such as gaps, chips, stains or misshapen teeth. Veneers are thin, custom-made shells comprised of tooth-colored materials to cover the front side of your teeth. In order to maintain the beauty of your smile, it is best to avoid coffee, tea, red wine and tobacco.


Wisdom Teeth – Wisdom teeth usually appear in the late teens or early twenties. They may become impacted due to lack of room in the jaw or the angle of entry. When a wisdom tooth is impacted, it may need to be removed in order to prevent (or treat) swelling and severe pain. Impacted teeth are susceptible to tooth decay, recurring infections and gum disease. Read more at


Cosmetic Dentistry – Cosmetic Dentistry is different from General Dental Care because it is both an art and a science. Cosmetic dentists can offer smile enhancement, restoration and maintenance treatments using cutting-edge techniques and advanced materials to give you a beautiful, natural smile. This can increase your self-confidence, help you look your best and reverse any dental imperfections you may have. Read more on:


Pediatric Dentistry – The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends that a child visit the dentist by the child’s first birthday. At Dr. Hadeed’s office, we will make sure that your child’s experience is as pleasant as possible. We will explain our procedures in simple words that your child can easily understand. Your child’s teeth will usually begin to erupt between the ages of six-to-twelve months and will continue to do so until the child is three-years-old. By the time your child has finished teething, he or she will have about twenty teeth. As your child’s teeth begin to erupt, it is important to monitor them at least once every two weeks. You should look for any signs of discoloration, as it may be caused by decay. During this time, your child should avoid sugar, candies and liquids that can attack the new tooth. Additionally, be sure that your child brushes his or her teeth four times a day: after breakfast, after lunch, after dinner and before bed. Children are at higher risk for tooth decay because many children and adolescents do not have good oral hygiene habits. Baby teeth are shed at various times before being replaced by permanent teeth between the ages of six and twenty-one. Adults have twenty-eight permanent teeth—thirty-two if you include wisdom teeth. It is important to have your child’s newly erupted teeth receive proper dental care and have his or her teeth checked, treated with fluoride and cleaned once every six months. Tooth sealants are also recommended to help protect your child’s teeth from cavities. Read more on:


Oral Cancer Screening – Our office provides oral cancer screening as part of your regular exam. Oral cancer can be life threatening if not diagnosed and treated early so it’s important to have routine screenings. According to the Oral Cancer Foundation, close to 43,250 Americans will be diagnosed with oral or pharyngeal cancer this year and these cancers will cause over 8,000 deaths. There is about a 57% five-year survival rate. (4) The sooner the problem is diagnosed, the better the chances for recovery. Common symptoms of oral cancer include red or white spots in the mouth, sores anywhere in the oral cavity, sores that bleed easily or do not heal, lumps, thick spots, rough spots, pain, tenderness, numbness in the mouth or on the lips, difficulty chewing, swallowing, speaking or moving the jaw or tongue. At your visit, we will do a visual examination of your mouth and feel the tissue of your mouth and throat for any abnormalities. We will also do a brush test to collect cells from certain areas in your mouth and will send the samples to our laboratory for analysis.


Gum Disease Treatment – Gum disease is one of the top reasons why adults lose their teeth. The early stage of gum disease is called gingivitis. This is caused by a build up of plaque—a sticky form of bacteria on your teeth. Because no pain is typically associated with the disease, many patients do not know they have it. It can grow worse if left untreated, developing into periodontitis. This can result in damage to gums and the bones that support teeth. Periodontitis should be taken seriously because the damage may be irreversible, causing teeth to become loose or fall out. Patients are more susceptible to gum disease if they smoke, chew tobacco or have diabetes. They are also more susceptible if they take steroids, anti-epilepsy drugs, calcium blockers or oral contraceptives. Pregnant women and patients who have bridges that no longer fit properly, crooked teeth or old fillings may be susceptible as well.


Preventative Dental Care – Preventive dental care is an important factor in keeping your smile healthy for many years to come. Preventive care includes brushing at least twice a day, flossing, fluoride treatments, avoiding sugary treats and maintaining a balanced diet. It is important to have a professional cleaning twice a year. Your dentist can help protect your teeth with dental sealants that can be applied to the back surfaces of your teeth to prevent decay. If you play contact sports your dentist can recommend a custom-made mouthguard to protect your teeth from damage such as cracks and chips.


Sedation Dentistry – If you’re nervous about visiting the dentist, have trouble sitting still for long periods of time or are generally anxious about dental procedures, then you might want to consider sedation dentistry to make your experience more comfortable, pleasant and relaxing. With oral sedation, you will stay awake but feel relaxed throughout the procedure. Inhaled sedation using nitrous oxide (laughing gas) is also available. This calms anxiety, raises your pain threshold and makes it seem like time is passing quickly.


Emergency Dental Care – We are here to help you any time your dental health is at risk. Common dental emergencies include severe toothache, broken or cracked teeth, a permanent tooth that has been knocked out or an object caught between teeth. In case of extreme emergencies, you can visit your hospital’s emergency room.


“After breaking my natural tooth while chewing, Dr Hadeed made me a great crown that feels like my real tooth. I would definitely recommend him to my friends.”
— Marianne, Macomb


Click here to read more about what other patients say about their experience with Dr. Hadeed:


You can schedule an appointment here:

or give us a call at (586) 739-4400 or (586) 286-4500



What to expect on your first visit:


X-ray. Your first visit will typically include an X-ray so we can see the structure of your jaw, the position of your teeth, any malformed roots and tooth decay.


Review of your medical history. We will then review your medical history. We will want to know about any recent hospitalizations or surgeries, what medications you are taking and the name of your primary care physician. This will ensure that we use the safest and most effective methods of treatment for you.


Check for problems you might not see. We then look for any problems that you might not see or feel, such as early signs of decay and other oral health problems. The earlier we can identify the problems, the easier it will be to prevent and manage them.


Cleaning and oral exam. We will then clean and polish your teeth and examine your mouth. We will check the health of your mouth, teeth, gums, cheeks, tongue, as well as fillings and restorations.


How long will a regular checkup appointment last?

A regular checkup appointment will usually last forty-five minutes.


“Dr. Hadeed simply cares more than other dentists. When I have a problem he thoroughly explains the issues and options to me. While other dentists seem to rush you out to move to the next patient, Dr. Hadeed settles for nothing less than one hundred percent (for example, when matching bonding for my front tooth he did not settle for good or great, he was done when it was the perfect color). He’s a true perfectionist, and that’s the type of person I want as my dentist!”
— Jeff, New York

Click here to read more about what other patients say about their experience with Dr. Hadeed:


If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at (586) 739-4400 or (586) 286-4500 to schedule an appointment. Or, stop by to visit our location at 43421 Garfield, Suite 5
Clinton Township, MI 48038. Please also check out our Frequently Asked Questions here:


We treat patients from all over Macomb Country, including patients from Sterling Heights, MI, Shelby Township, MI and Clinton Township, MI

Impacted Wisdom Teeth

January 21st, 2015

Impacted Wisdom ToothIt’s probably no surprise to you that wisdom teeth can cause problems. At some point in your life, you’ve probably envied the tempting (though temporary) milkshake diet that your brother or cousin or friend has been on after having a wisdom tooth removed.

Wisdom teeth are located in the very back of your mouth. Sometimes they erupt and sometimes they do not. When they do erupt, whether partially or fully, they can be quite difficult to reach—this makes it hard to keep them clean. As a result, wisdom teeth are more susceptible to tooth decay, recurring infections and gum disease. (For more general information on wisdom teeth, please check out: and When wisdom teeth cannot break through the gums and or bone, we say that the teeth are impacted. How do you know if wisdom teeth have become impacted? We’re here to help you take notice.

Nine Indicators of Impaction

  • Your gums are tender and swollen.
  • You’re experiencing pain in the back of your mouth.
  • Your gums are red.
  • Your gums are bleeding.
  • It’s so hard to chew your food!
  • You’re getting headaches.
  • Around your jaw, your skin is swelling.
  • That bad taste in your mouth—you can’t kick it.
  • That bad breath—it seems here to stay.

If you have some or all of these symptoms, don’t bury your head in the sand. (That will just make it worse!) It’s important to get your mouth checked out as soon as you can.

Can An Impacted Tooth Be Left Untreated?

  • Impacted wisdom can eventually push on the teeth adjacent to them, causing damage to those second molars and maybe even causing infection.
  • Infected wisdom teeth can lead to gum disease and tooth decay.
  • Cysts can develop in the area of the wisdom teeth

If there is any question regarding whether you have an impacted wisdom tooth, please call us at (586) 286-4500.  At your appointment, Dr. Hadeed will examine your mouth and then—whether or not the issue is caused by impacted wisdom teeth—advise you on the next steps to take. We are eager to help!


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